On contradiction of the Act on the Principles of Implementing the Development Policy with the Polish Constitution

The purpose of this article is to present analysis of the procedural solutions introduced in the Act on the Principles of Implementing the Development Policy (APIDP) and to discuss the fundamental legal problems deriving from this act. APIDP contains basic regulations for the distribution of funds from the European Union. Terminology of APIDP is unfamiliar with the Polish traditional legal terminology which causes interpretational chaos and a general misunderstanding. What is more the APIDP excludes application of the Administrative Procedure Code to the proceedings dealing with the distribution of funds and signifi cantly modifi es proceedings’ rules before the administrative courts. The exclusion of application of the general procedural provisions has crucial constitutional implications. The sphere of legal protection of parties in the proceedings regulated by APIDP is highly reduced; the parties are subject to arbitrariness of authorities. The APIDP regulations are unclear, confusing, discretionary and because of that contradictory to the Polish Constitution, especially to the principle of a democratic state ruled by law.

Pobierz plik (6-7-2011 Wyszomirski.pdf)6-7-2011 Wyszomirski.pdf251 kB

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