The Polish Judicial System in Statistical Numbers. A Comparative Account

In the article, the author attempts to diagnose the Polish judicial system, in the context of expected actual efficiency. The analysis avails itself of the following indicators: the number of incoming cases, the number of professional judges and non-judicial staff in courts, public expenditures allocated to courts, the clearance rate, average disposition time and overall efficiency. Polish data regarding the Polish judiciary has been compared with its international counterparts, particularly all EU members. This comparative approach is to make an authoritative and reliable diagnosis of the Polish judicial system, compared to other EU member states. The article is also an attempt to answer the question of whether critical assessments, that have dominated Polish public debate, are justified, and whether the Polish judiciary is as inefficient and ineffective as it would look apparent from the statistics.

Pobierz plik (Debiak-Bartosewicz.pdf)Debiak-Bartosewicz.pdf737 kB

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