The Right to a Fair Trial and the Term of Justice in the Light of the Substantive Powers of Administrative Courts

The article considers the relation between the right to a court and the idea of the implementation of substantive powers of administrative courts. What have been also discussed, were the notions of justice and administering justice in the light of above mentioned issues. Not only have the different views presented in the legal doctrine been juxtaposed with each other, but they also have been criticized and evaluated from a fresh point of view. The author has tried to answer the question whether the right to an administrative court and a fair trial is fulfilled in Poland sufficiently. Defining the right to a court in general, based on the traditional interpretation of this legal construction, the article ends with a conclusion, that the current state of Polish administrative courts’ competence is appropriate considering Article 45 Point 1 of the Polish Constitution. In the subsequent part of the text, the notion of administering justice has been analysed. Assuming that the material administrative law is not based on the construction of the legal dispute, the author, while defining this term uses the views of legal doctrine and distinguishes from the subjective and objective point of view.

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