Na marginesie książki Wolfganga Ernsta Justinian’s Digest 9.2.51 in the Western Legal Canon: Roman Legal Thought and Modern Causality Concepts (Intersentia: Cambridge–Antwerp–Chicago 2019)

Julian’s Essay and Causation as a Premise for Liability for Damages On the Margins of Wolfgang Ernst “Justinian’s Digest 9.2.51 in the Western Legal Canon: Roman Legal Thought and Modern Concepts of Causality” (Intersentia: Cambridge–Antwerp–Chicago 2019)

Wolfgang Ernst performed a detailed analysis of the controversial opinion of the jurist Salvius Julian (D. 9,2,51). The way he has worked out the issue of the interpretation of the Julian passage leads to the conclusion that we are witnessing a novelty in the methodology of Roman law, also in terms of the way the content is presented. By means of a very systematic work on the previous reflections of Romanists, Ernst has established, admittedly on the basis of a very narrow example, how the number of people working on Roman law has increased, how the “geography” of the study of Roman law has developed. Today more people study Roman law than ever before in history.

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