Unilateral Legal Actions of a Member of the Management Board of a Limited Company

This paper concerns the problem of unilateral legal actions of a member of the management board of a limited company. At the beginning the authors present the existing views on Articles 210 § 1 and 379 § 1 of the Polish Company Code. In detail, the aim of the introduction of the abovementioned articles to the legal order is discussed. The main objective of the paper strives to answer the question whether, besides the requirement of the representation of the company by the supervisory board or a plenipotentiary established by a resolution of the shareholders, in cases of contracts with a member of the management board there are other legal actions that require this special way of representation. This issue is analysed not only from the perspective of the company as a recipient of the declaration of intent but also from that of the person that submits the declaration of intent.

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