Hanna Bachowska, Zakaz tworzenia chimer i hybryd a ksenotransplantacja – uwagi de lege lata i de lege ferenda

Prohibition on Creating Chimerar and Hybrids for Xenotrasplantation – Remarks de lege lata and de lege ferenda

The article describes the process of farming interspecies chimeras, specifically animals that host human organs. Such procedure is based on injection of human pluripotent cells derived from adult somatic tissue into an animal embryo and is aimed to grow functional, mature organs that can be used for xenotransplantation. Thus, this might be a promising solution to the currently experienced drastic shortage of transplantable human organs. The author addresses legal issues behind development of human organs in animal-human chimeras. The main purpose of this paper is to asses, whether the prohibition on the formation of chimeras provided for in the Infertility Treatment Act applies to the formation of chimeras for xenotransplantation (cross-species transplantation) in Polish law. The author analyzes the nature of the prohibition on creating chimeras introduced in Polish law to propose a thesis that such restriction does not apply to farming chimeric animals bearing human organs solely for transplantation purposes. The article also proposes de lege ferenda solutions to be introduced by the legislator, which would apply to xenotransplantation of organs created from patient’s stem cells.

Pobierz plik (Bachowska.pdf)Bachowska.pdf263 kB

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