Polish obligations and guarantees
for UEFA EURO 2012 in the field of IPR’s
and related matters

UEFA EURO 2012 is an unique event in the country’s history, but it is also an excellent
advertisement product. Poland and Ukraine, upon submitting their candidacy
for organising UEFA EURO 2012, have undertaken to take all necessary actions
in order to protect intellectual property rights referring to UEFA EURO 2012TM
such as: “EURO 2012”.
The guarantees cover legal protection of word marks and logos connected with
the tournament, counteracting unfair marketing practices, prohibited practices
related to ticket sale and unlicensed public broadcasting of tournaments.
The aim of this study is to answer the question whether Poland – co-host of the
European Football Championship in 2012 is able to provide appropriate protection
of the UEFA intellectual property rights, according to commitments made
during candidates phase. Does the Polish legislation ensure full protection of the
UEFA Intellectual Property Rights – such prestigious event?
Essentially, there is also the question of the legal nature of guarantees submitted
by Poland. Discussion of their impact on the bodies of the Polish administration,
undertaken primarily to protect the financial and organizational effort of UEFA
and official sponsors.
The article presents regularity and identification of possible improvements which
are to be introduced in this area before and during the UEFA EURO 2012TM in order
to prevent using by unauthorized persons of the UEFA EURO 2012 marks and
symbols, including ambush marketing practices.

Download this file (9-2012 Bielewicz.pdf)9-2012 Bielewicz.pdf708 kB

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