Therapeutic Function of Law
The main objective of the proposed consideration is to show apparent relationship
that exists between a patient application of legislation and the process of
his recovery. About the therapeutic action of the law in significant way, says the
concept of therapeutic jurisprudence (TJ). This theory points out that legal action
of the individual actors: judges, prosecutors, lawyers, etc. directly may have effect
on the “Temida customer “ therapeutically or antytherapeutically. In the following
text TJ concept will be applied clearly to the issueof the rights of a patient
receiving the psychiatric hospital’s services. In this approach, it will be possible to
analyze activities performed only by the family judges. Therefore, this approach
will be supplemented by the nomoterapy conception drawing attention to specific
elements that show the existing relationship between the respect for patient’s
rights and the dynamics of the sick person’s return to health. This concept will be
presented with examples drawn from practice of the Psychiatric Hospital Patient
Ombudsman. At the end there will be shown specific therapeutic procedures that
use legal norm as a tool to motivate patients to active treatment.

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