Supervision of the Prime Minister over the Activities of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office

The theme of the article is to analyze the supervision of the Prime Minister over the activities of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office. The aim of the article is to indicate the scope of the supervisory powers of the Prime Minister of the attitude to administrative proceedings conducted by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office, consisting, for example, in requesting access to the administrative case file. The author puts forward a thesis that the Prime Minister is not authorized to verify the manner of keeping matters reserved in accordance with EU and national law within the competence of the President of the ERO, in particular matters dealt with by administrative decisions related to the exercise of the regulatory function. As part of the study, the author discusses such issues as: control and supervision in public administration, the system position of the President of ERO, the scope of Prime Minister supervisory powers and Prime Minister supervisory powers in the context of procedural regulations. The article ends with the presentation of research results.

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