Asking Once Again About Interpolacionism: Remeberedand Forgotten. “Gradenwitz,Riccobono und die Entwicklungder Interpolationenkritik.”

It is not easy to properly aesimate the value of interpolacionism methodology. On the one hand, it caused a great diffidence among romanists analyzing Roman law sources. On the other, however, its subtility even nowadays remains respectable. Authors of texts in the collection of papers entitled “Gradenwitz, Riccobono und die Entwicklung der Interpolationenkritik” tried to explore that topic with presenting the careers of specific professors: German Otto Gradenwitz and Italian Salvatore Riccobono. The first one is known as the pioneer of interpolacionism with his monography “Interpolationen in den Pandekten” from 1889. The second was inspired by the new method, but then raised its profound criticism, followed by many other Roman law scholars. Some texts focus instead on the reception of interpolacionism among romanists of specific countries, such as Spain or Great Britain. Suprisingly France was ommitted, not to even mention Poland, Czechia or Hungary. The same concerns important scholars that were adherents of interpolacionism (I. Alibrandi, F. Eisele, E. Albertario).

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