Protection of the Child’s Privacy with Regard to Their Conception with the Use of Assisted Reproductive Technology

This article deals with the legal assessment of the phenomenon of public disclosure by well-known people of information about the birth of their child conceived by assisted reproductive technology. The term privacy refers here to the disclosure to third parties and not to the child, and thus concerns external relations and not those within a family. The author analyses Art. 4 of the Polish Infertility Treatment Act which explicitly obliges to provide infertility treatment with respect for the right to private life. The author draws attention to the goals of the legal regulation which imposes on doctors the duty to find a matching donor on the basis of phenotypic data. The article also points out the legitimacy of establishing certain duties of parents with regard to the protection of their children’s right to privacy. Is a socially justified interest a premise excluding the illegality of the violation of the child’s privacy?

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