The concept of a crisis situation
under the Act of 26 April 2007
on crisis management

The term “crisis situation”, often used in the literature, wasn’t a legal term until the
Act of 26 April 2007 on crisis management has been passed. In the original text of
the act the crisis situation was understood as a situation which is a consequence
of the threat and thus leads to breaking or considerable violation of the social ties
and simultaneously to the serious disturbance in the functioning of public institutions
to such extent that the means necessary to safeguard or restore security
do not justify the introduction of any of the extraordinary measures referred to
in Article 228 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. However the above
definition was abolished by the Constitutional Tribunal and changed by the Act of
17 July 2009. At present, the crisis situation means a situation that impacts negatively
on the safety of people, property of large sizes or the environment, producing
significant restrictions on the operation of the competent authorities of public
administration due to the inadequacy of the possessed capabilities and resources.

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