Legal Aspects of Governing the Commons Against Technical Challenges of Smart City Development

Every technical evolution has changed cities, their shape, size, transport system and ways of protecting safety. A currently popular idea of a smart city was born out of the need to use the latest advances in information technology – mobile technology, the Internet, development of automatics and robotics, IoT – to upgrade cities and make them “smarter”. Proposed projects and ideas pose a number of questions: how to shape legal standards, unify technical standards, and adjust the ownership structure of new technologies so as to meet the requirements of stable urban development, how to address the need for privacy and security that are exposed to greater risk in each integrated network. Among smart city experts a modern city is considered a “system of systems”: a technological center: that concentrates data of all objects and entities, especially citizens, influencing the condition of the city. The question to be asked is whether the idea of technological centralization must necessarily mean or inevitably lead to the centralization of social, political or legal spheres.

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