The past two decades saw a generational change come to the universities along with the technological one: the very first digital natives, the Millennials, arrived. Gen Z soon followed. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the two somewhat similar, but often different generations and place them within the context of the Polish and North American university, the law faculty in particular, in order to answer the question: What does this shift of generations mean for the future of legal education? In the first part of the paper the author introduces the two generations, contrasting them with the previous ones. The second part of the paper is devoted to the issue of Millennials and Gen Z at the university, particularly in law school. In the final part of the paper the author applies the findings of two previous sections to the question of the future of legal education. Arguing that law faculties are unique entities within the university, he proposes a number of changes to the teaching of law which should be introduced if Millennials and Gen Zs are to truly find their place in the academia and be able to live up to their full potential as lawyers, be that practitioners or academics.

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