Assessment of Conformity with the Constitution of the Act on the Employee Holiday Fund

The Employee Holiday Fund during the Polish People’s Republic had a monopoly on organizing holidays for employees. The change of the socio-economic system in 1989 led to the necessity to introduce changes in the organization of the EHF. The Act regulating the status of assets after EHF was declared unconstitutional in 1997. The legislator had to regulate this issue again, which did not happen until 2015. The article presents the issue of constitutionality of the Act of 11 September 2015 on the entitlement to the property of the Holiday Employee Fund. The author examines the new regulation in the light of the constitutional principles of protection of property rights, democratic rule of law, non-retroactivity and certainty of real estate transactions.

Pobierz plik (Milczarek 55-64.pdf)Milczarek 55-64.pdf278 kB

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