Civil Liability of the Website Administrator for Internet Users’ Posts

Nowadays, it is common to combine press activities and hosting services on a single web portal, where Internet users can post, comment on or discuss press releases with each other. These entries, especially when they relate to matters of public interest, can violate the personal rights of third parties. The paper discusses selected issues concerning the civil liability of the administrator of the Internet portal for posts of Internet users that infringe the personal rights of third parties, including the obligations imposed on the administrator and the grounds for excluding his liability. The considerations include academic studies and court rulings on this subject. The authors criticized the current case-law in these areas, pointing also to its potential legal and practical consequences for hosting and press activities.

Pobierz plik (Kierznowski_Szorc 24-36.pdf)Kierznowski_Szorc 24-36.pdf370 kB

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