Law & Emotions: A Synthesis

Emotions and law are often thought to be mutually exclusive. However, ever more academicians note that this is not the whole picture: since the late 1980s and early 90s studies on the relationship between the legal and the affective began to be conducted. Since then, both the number of works and number of researchers working on this problem grew significantly. Calls for the identification of a separate trend resulted in dubbing this new enterprise ‘Law & Emotions’. This article collates and synthesizes notes from the field: it is based on the analysis of numerous findings and approaches of the aforementioned research movement. It is written with a Polish reader in mind. As Polish jurisprudence is notably silent on the presence of affect in legal institutions, the objective of the text is to provide a cross-section of Law & Emotions, expose its mission and suggest in what ways it may revolutionize contemporary legal thinking movement – and, hopefully, to show why Polish legal scholars should care about it.

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