The Way of Adopting the Decree on Foundations and on the Approval of Donations and Legacies of 1919

The article concerns the meaning of the decree on foundations and on the approval of donations and legacies from 7 February 1919, in the context of the development of Polish foundation law. During the Second Polish Republic it was in force in the central voivodships – the area of the former Polish Kingdom – and from 1923, also in the eastern voivodships. The study covers how the legislative work at adopting the decree was conducted and how foundations obtained legal personality, including an analysis of the requirements for the contents of the foundation’s deed that were necessary in order to establish a foundation. Further, the significance of the foundation’s statute is presented, along with the powers and responsibilities of the bodies whose decisions resulted in foundations obtaining legal personality. The article also presents the characteristics of the register of foundations and illustrates how foundations functioned during the Second Polish Republic. The study includes also the answer to the question whether the legislative solutions adopted in the decree on foundations and on the approval of donations and legacies from 7 February 1919 can be useful for the contemporary legislator during the reform of Polish foundation law.

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