The need for reform of the non-code
criminal law

Title of this study indicates not only its subject, but also purpose of considerations
included therein. This purpose is in particular an attempt to demonstrate that
currently there are well-founded grounds to start works on a thorough reform of
the substantive non-code criminal law being in force in Poland. Currently, more
than 100 laws in force contain provisions defining criminal offences. Their exact
number is difficult to determine, it is certain, however, that for several years, this
number has been constantly growing. That difficulty is not connected with their
number, as eventually one can make an effort to review all the laws being in force,
although there are several hundred. The problem is that the current laws still
undergo dynamic changes, or they are “transformed” into other laws or group of
laws. As a result, it is almost certain that the number of “criminal” laws at the
time of counting for the purposes of this article will be different from the number
at the time the reader will read it.

Download this file (12-2012 Zawłocki.pdf)12-2012 Zawłocki.pdf518 kB

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