Perspectives on Law Science in the Light
of the German Council of Science
and Humanities Report

The report on Legal Studies handed down by the German Wissenschaftsrat
might be of interest for a Polish-speaking public, too: it rightly underlines the
importance of cultural disciplines, internationality and interdisciplinarity. It
avoids an explicit link to the so-called Bologna process (failed in Germany).
However, the measures proposed could, to some extent, be realised under the
proved and tested State Examination system only with financial and personal
resources that seem to be completely unrealistic. In a Bologna logic, they might
indeed work but at the price of a breakdown in overall quality. At any rate, a
Polish-German dialogue on the subject seems highly desirable.

Download this file (15-2013 Baldus.pdf)15-2013 Baldus.pdf273 kB

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