The Substantial Reform of the Polish
Code of Criminal Procedure. Structural
The reform of the Polish Code of Criminal Procedure from September 27, 2013, is
one of the most fundamental acts in the history of Polish Criminal Procedure. It
is, however, not only a big step forward, but rather a beginning of a new era of
the process of adversarial judicial procedure. Thus, it will require some changes
in the future and it will be a matter of time before it is clear which direction the
changes will take. In this article, the author describes the drafts of the reform
and points out the main tendencies that arose during the legislation process. It
gives a detailed analysis of upcoming changes in criminal procedure and shares
some doubts over certain aspects of the reform.

Download this file (18-2013 Hofmański.pdf)18-2013 Hofmański.pdf531 kB

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