Threats to the Institution of Adoption on Account of the Proposed Legislative Solutions for Infertility Treatment

The text cover the analysis of the legal proposals currently in draft on the infertility treatment. Considerations are carried out in the context of the institution of adoption. Underpinning the author’s analysis are the similarities of the proposed “embryo donation” to anonymous adoption. Legal regulation of the medically assisted procreation is currently non-existent under the Polish law. Whilst it is an important issue that necessitates legislative intervention, future regulations must take into account the principles which underlie family law. It is the author’s contention that the proposed provisions do not respect these rules in the field of child adoption. The inquiry concentrates on symptoms and conditions of both adoption and “embryo donation.” Particular attention is devoted to the welfare of the child and the means of actualization thereof envisaged by the programmes of adoption and “embryo donation”. Finally, possibilities regarding realization of one’s right to discover the genetic makeup of the child are vetted in detail.

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