Education in Patient Rights
Patients’ rights are a special category of human rights, which transpire to be
applicable in exceptional situations. While interacting with medical personnel,
a patient ‘must typically disclose intimate private information about their own
life. Interestingly enough, it is also when discussing the workings of the healthcare
system that the issue of patients’ rights land under the light of serious examination.
In recent times, opinions have surfaced according to which in the world of
medicine there can be seen a phenomenon of so‑called “disproportion of rights”
belonging to patients and staff, respectively. What is fervently emphasized in the
debates is a presumption that while the position of patients is most commonly
associated with the rights, the medical staff is depicted against the backdrop of
commitments and duties burdened upon them. Does this mean that patients do
not have any responsibilities? May intensified deliberations revolving around
the rights of the patient – while, intentionally or not, dodging the aspect of duties
– lead to fostering a “demoralization through the law” phenomenon? Aside
from these fundamental issues, this text also strives to address a question of
responsible conduction of teaching patients’ rights.

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