Accelerated Safeguard Proceedings
in France as an Example of an Efficient

The article presents the shortcomings of Polish restructuring proceedings compared
to the so called accelerated safeguard proceedings – a legal tool enabling
French entrepreneurs to avoid bankruptcy. Polish regulations on restructuring
proceedings are virtually a dead letter, as entrepreneurs are discouraged by complex,
vague provisions of law, high costs of the proceedings as well as by the fact
that they have very little time to prepare their restructuring proposals. Compared
to Polish regulations, accelerated safeguard proceedings set forth by French law
are faster and more efficient than the traditional restructuring proceedings. If
similar legal provisions were adopted in Poland, they would likely revive the Polish
restructuring proceedings, currently unpopular due to their inefficiency. The
French accelerated safeguard proceedings are presented as a model of regulations
which may become an inspiration for Polish legislators.

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