“Path Dependency” in the Context of Public Policies of Combating Honour‑Related Violence. The Examples of Germany and the United Kingdom

The main aim of this paper is to analyze the factors which have an influence on the framing of honour-based violence (hereinafter referred to as HBV) and the shape of public policies of combating HBV in European countries. Research presented in the paper is based on the examples of public policies in the United Kingdom and Germany, as policies introduced in those countries can be described as opposite paradigms. The presentation of definitions of HBV is followed by an analysis of the historic development of public policies of combating HBV in the aforementioned countries and their comparison. Looking at the issue in question through the lens of “path dependency” leads to the conclusion that the shape of public policy of combating HBV depends not only on the model of integration policy and the wider social context, but is rooted deeply in the past and is connected – at least to some extent – with previous decisions by state officers that evince the meaning-making of the phenomenon. 

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