Disciplinary Proceedings Against Students. The Question of Conducting a Hearing under the Unjustified Absence of a Defendant

The article discuss disciplinary proceedings against students mostly provided by The Higher Education Act of 2005 (and, in the forthcoming future, by the socalled Constitution for Science). The author focuses on the validity of the norms reflecting such fundamental principles as the right to a defense as well as the trial’s adversary, directness, orality and openness. Thus, he formulates arguments for the thesis that conducting a hearing in the course of disciplinary proceedings against students is allowed when the defendant student: 1) was summoned for the hearing; 2) is absent from the hearing without a valid cause; and 3) did not make any explanation during the hearing. Legal provisions do not justify any contradictory norm’s reconstruction. After presenting arguments for that statement, the author insists on the validity of the allowance to conduct a hearing in the course of disciplinary proceedings against students when 1)–3) happen. At the end marked defects of the presented argumentations are given, as well as the ways in which they may be corrected.

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